Moral Dilemma: The Drink

Surely if you can commit to not touching booze you can do the same for drugs.

I don't buy the "helps in certain situations" rationalization, whether it be drugs, booze or tobacco.

As men, we are given all the means necessary to "get through the day", the minute we are born.

Problem is I've realized it's a lot harder to stop once you've started than to never start in the first place, especially when those around you are still doing it. I agree though and am making an effort to pull myself away from that environment.

And I'm referring to a specific group of drugs as "helping in certain situations", namely Psychadelics... If you've had experience with them you know what I mean, if not then you probably wouldn't understand. Everything else (tobacco, alcohol, 'uppers', etc.) affects the brain on a much lower level and does nothing beneficial for your mind.

I'm really looking for suggestions on more specific things to do to get me away from the bad stuff. I have started working out and putting more time into studying, I also spend as much time as possible working on my Duster (which is an hour away in another town). Ski season in Colorado is about to start and I am looking forward to that. I just want some reassurance from those who've "been there done that" that I can look forward to the rest of my life and not worry about having to constantly feel like an 'outcast' because of my beliefs.