DIY quality paint job

inside a garage? how bout picking a day that there is a light 10 mph wind day, with temp around 70-75.
here is a car i just painted in my side yard, outside!. let me tell you, there is no dust or forien material in the paint. paid 1500 for car, 100.00 for paint and 300 into engine rebuild. car is up to 5,600.00 on ebag right now color is candy apple red, and it was urethane enamal

i have found it is easier to paint outside, so you get natural light on all parts of car, so you see your work evenly, as you spray, and also, in a garage, even if you wet the floor, you still have to worry bout all the other dust in 80% of the garage that still gets kicked up.
if you look at some of the other cars i have sold on here, they also have been done outside, with great results