Moral Dilemma: The Drink

Do or dont do, no try.
Best words Yoda ever said.

Problem is I've realized it's a lot harder to stop once you've started than to never start in the first place, especially when those around you are still doing it. I agree though and am making an effort to pull myself away from that environment.

And I'm referring to a specific group of drugs as "helping in certain situations", namely Psychadelics... If you've had experience with them you know what I mean, if not then you probably wouldn't understand. Everything else (tobacco, alcohol, 'uppers', etc.) affects the brain on a much lower level and does nothing beneficial for your mind.

I'm really looking for suggestions on more specific things to do to get me away from the bad stuff. I have started working out and putting more time into studying, I also spend as much time as possible working on my Duster (which is an hour away in another town). Ski season in Colorado is about to start and I am looking forward to that. I just want some reassurance from those who've "been there done that" that I can look forward to the rest of my life and not worry about having to constantly feel like an 'outcast' because of my beliefs.