Moral Dilemma: The Drink

Do what feels right to you. One thing I am confused about though, why is alcohol immoral but other intoxicants are ok?

I guess I came off the wrong way, in my opinion I think there are a select few drugs that might have benefits when used in the right environment but I believe using them 'just for fun' is wrong... All intoxicants in islam are considered immoral if they take you away from remembering what's important. I believe I took a risk making past choices and was probably in the wrong at times but I feel it was kind of inevitable for me to experiment. Now I've come to realize that time is reaching its end if I want to move on to bigger and better things in life.

megajoltman said
Hope you don't get caught with Dots or your screwed.

I agree that would totally ruin my life... I can't imagine what I would do if I had any kind of drug record. It really shocks me when kids blow off DUIs like it's no big deal, you just look like an IDIOT... Try getting a decent job, "ah it's whatever man" I guess that's the attitude to have when your parents obviously paid several grand for your fines.