Moral Dilemma: The Drink

There's an old saying that goes something like this: "a friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting in the cell next to you."

In other words a true friend is there for you, through thick and thin. Most of the time they understand you better than you do yourself. They respect your beliefs, they respect your decisions. They may not completely understand 'em, but they honor 'em.

I've had one friend like that in my life. I grew up with him. When his parents divorced he moved he stayed with his dad and moved away. Until about eight months ago I hadn't seen him in 20 years. After all this time he was finishing my sentences and I was finishing his.

Question is, how many of these friends you have now can meet that?

Growth is change. Sometimes we out grow our friends, move in different directions, take different paths. One of the reasons I don't attend high school reunions. Reminiscing with perfect strangers really ain't my thing.

Sounds to me you're growing up. If your friends don't get that, time to move on, maybe.