Moral Dilemma: The Drink

It's all a part of growing in your life, what your feeling is normal.
Some people make conscience desicions, others wait
and let fate decide for them.
Religion has caused me quite alot of grief and misery during
my life, opertunitys have presented themselves and I was
hesitent or slow to react as I fought with my mind.
I am unfettered my this now, as I am older and more
confident in my desisions.
I also left religion to those who feel the need to be
corrected by an unseen, unproven force, and not by common sense.
Alchol and drugs are a personal choice, they have been around
and used since the begining of time.
I see no problem if used in moderation, although psychotropics
will open your mind to things, thoughts and possibilities that people who have
never experienced will never understand.

I think you have a very good handle on things, proven
by your asking for advise from older more experinced people
of all backrounds.
Your gonna be alright no matter what you decide.
There is no one way to live a life, all are just doing the best they
know how.
Live life with no regrets, love your friends and family, don't judge,
take care of your health and you'll be happy and good things will come
your way.