Moral Dilemma: The Drink

Geesh are telling my story all over again. I dealt with the same issue 38 years ago. My problem was that when I drank I got in fights. Here is what I did...I turned to my faith (Christian)and dirt bike racing! I am now 57 and believe it or not both are still the guiding factors in my life. I quit racing (to some degree) 4 years ago. And believe it or not but my profession is a Drug and alcohol Treatment Specialist in a State prison. I work with dudes who have made bad choices because of drug and alcohol abuse. It's a good job. I never in a million years thought I would be doing what I am doing. But here is the final line. I have many many friends that do not drink and a few who do. I have found that they are true friends and were there in my time of need. My advice is follow what you know is right even when no one is looking! I can attest that though not perfect, I could not imagine a better life than what I have! Mopars and motorcycles and of course my God. Happy journey Kid!