Moral Dilemma: The Drink

Well MOPEkid, your question is no different that most young adults have asked themselves for ages. Namely "where do I go with my life". I was in the same boat as you, actually I was much worse, in my late teens and early twenties. Let's just say that my consumption of drugs and alcohol was way over what most would call average. Hell I was dealing drugs. Then one morning, shortly after a bender, I looked at the young lady sleeping beside me and asked myself what the hell I was doing. As luck would have it I had just graduated from 2nd year trade school and decided to sever all my relationships, friends and most of my family and move up north and start all over again. Met the mother of my children up there and have been married almost 30 yrs., or so she tells me. I haven't looked back since and haven't been on a bender for 25 yrs. I still have the odd drink but they're far and few between.
You talk of faith MOPEkid, well my faith was in myself and only myself and I'm sure that your faith in a round about way preaches that you have faith in your self also. I think it's a big mistake giving credit for your accomplishment to a leader of a faith, any faith or be obsolved from your screw ups by that same faith. Give those credits to yourself and by doing so you'll find that you'll also be forced to take responsibility for yourself and your actions through your entire life. Don't be a drone be a leader.
Friends are a dive a dozen, and most importantly if your so called freinds continue to try to drag you down to their levels then they ain't your freinds. Find a girl (if that's your leanings) that has your same beliefs and future vision and never look back. What is behind is of no concern, got that off of, Can't remember.
