Slant 6 wont start

Today had some definite progress.
Tightened the carb because it was WAYYY loose.
Pulled the fuel line by the filter and there was no gas.
SO then I checked the fuel pump to make sure it was functioning and it was.
I believe what happened because it was sitting was that the fuel just evaporated out because my gas cap was loose... would that happen?
SO i got 6 gallons of gas in the tank and primed the line.
then after a bit of a struggle it started! but only for a second at a time.
But now I've noticed whenever i hold the ignition down it will run.
SO does this mean I have a bad iginition switch?
thanks for any help!:)
If it will only run in the "start" position, it's likely the ballast resistor has failed. If pushing the key sideways in the run position helps make a connection, it's probably a bad ignition switch.