How to verify if an A-body is numbers matching?

Spcifically, a 69 Barracuda Vert. I am aware of the dash VIN, engine block VIN, the radiator support and the driver's side trunk under the weatherstripping. Are there other spots to check?

Broadcast sheet (if they have it, or it is in the car)...what am I missing? Are there numbers on the tranny, rear end, etc and where are they exactly? Just want to make sure that I am giving this car the correct attention that it seems to deserve. It looks great in photos, but we all know that song and dance.

This info will make quite a big difference in my offer, and I am going to look at it on the 25th of this month, and the car supposedly has a ton of documentation (original bill of sale from around 1970, manuals, binders, etc...) I just want to make sure if they are touting it as "a rare, numbers matching car" that it is through and through.

That being said, how do you guys inspect a potential purchase? Any pointers? Check for oil spots, drips, leaks? panel alignment? cosmetics? magnet for major bodywork?

Sorry for the newb questions, but I want to be armed as best I can for this purchase. If it goes through I will surely post pics!