Looking for a cheap place to buy a holster

64physhy, no it doesn't have to be black but i have a drop holster and I am pretty sure I cna transfer the holster part over to a hip platform. I am gonna look into it moe but I beleive I can. If so it will only be about 15-20 so that aint bad. What is gonna be bad is buy tactical pants to wear along with polo shirts.

WTF!?!? Why are you having to come out of pocket for all this? Someone's not doing their job, especially for the pants. Why are you wearing polo shirts? The NCO's need to make liason with supply (I believe it would be MHG supply for the Army) and get this stuff. If they can't get it, find a Marine supply if there are any around your AOR and they will probably hook you up. The holster you posted will fit on the drop rig using the same bolt holes it uses to screw on the MOLLE adapter that's pictured.