New Forum: Shop, Garage and Tools

I have heard about an air line system that is basically plug and play. You push the hard plastic tubing into one way compression fittings and cut the plastic tubing with a box knife or what not. They have different fittings and everything so that you can have several "access points". I am pretty sure I saw it on trucks or something like that. I can't remember the name though and have been looking for it for a while. If someone could help with that or that has used it before and has pro's and con's on it that would help.

Also I have had a lot of problems with air dryer systems and have gotten several of the I think they are called decanter systems that just have the inline oil filter and the one with the beads but I have still had problems with too much water in my air lines causing my sand blasting cabinet to clog. I would appreciate some advice on how to stop that.

Thirdly I am looking into buying a larger compressor soon and the one that I have been using is just a 33 gal one from Sears. I think it is like 5.5Hp or something along those lines with 130PSI max however I am constantly having to stop when I am running my cut off wheel and it is constantly running when I use a DA sander. I am looking for info on the difference between the 1 and 2 stage compressors and is I should go for a 60 or 80 gal. I appreciate advice on this also.

Great idea for a thread by the way
