Hunting. It isn't a place for the stupid.

Oh man.......

My wife is from the East Coast. She didn't have a clue what an elk was when she came to Oregon.

She was like..... "They are like a deer but a little bigger, right?"

I took her to a game refuge so she could see one up close and personal. She crapped her pants.

I had bought property in Southern Colorado not long after I moved west (18 years ago). I've seen some huge 12 point buck white tails and 400 pound black bear in Northern Wisconsin. So..... my bud and I are camping on the property and he warned me that a big Elk can face off a buffalo while we're drinking whiskey around the campfire...... Sure enough, we hear an elk bugle maybe 200 yards off..... In my infinite wisdom, I say "Hey, let's track that elk down, it'll be fun!".

Keep in mind this at about 8500' elevation and fall so it's pretty cold and seriously dark. I pull out my rechargeable spot light and we go hunting.......

After about an hour we call it quits and settle back down at the campfire when we hear...."SWEEEEEEEEEERRRNNNNNRRRSWWWEEEEEEEEEE".....Mr. bull elk was right behind us, lol! Bigges **** elk I ever seen and lit from the campfire from underneath, I mean ear pearcing, 120 decibel elk whistle. You never saw two people jump in a desiel ram truck so fast. :oops:

After that and dealing with a "red bear", I have a tremendous amount of respect for animals WEST of the Mississippi. :prayer:

Edit: No kidding...just reiterating this tale, I took a shot of whiskey... that really freaked me out, lol. I can't wait to hunt one, knowing what I know now and BTW, the meat is awesome! I'm a firm believer in eating what I kill.... minus mice, squirrel and rats.

Edit: Yes Terry, I did get a Win 300 mag and am sighting it in.....