Zero Clearance valve lash ?

If you run any regular hydraulic lifter at zero, it slams the valve shut with no cushion. Just because you've done so in the past doesn't make it right. It makes you lucky. You asked for an explanation and I gave you the correct one. I don't know what else to say other than run it like you want to.
I see what your saying. I'm just looking for the simplest way to set them with adjustable rockerarms. I got it now though. Since I'm currently doing it I set one to just no end play and gave it a half turn. Then I turned it just until the valve started to open and guess what it was 1/2 turn as well. So now I know for sure that at TDC Compression set it to zero lash and back it off 1/2 turn and it will be a true adjustment throughout the valvetrain for normal lifters!:cheers: