Harbor Freight Tool

My motto in regards to Harbor Freight is "If it has a cord don't buy it". It is over an hour to return crap to them from here and I won't do it any more.

Yep, if it has a cord don't buy it and if it has anything to do with cutting or grinding such as saw blades or grinding wheels, don't buy them either. They'll just fall apart, snap in half or the teeth will just come right off.

I saw a hole saw kit there for $3 (!!!) and knew it was too good to be true. Bought it for entertainment and brought it to work to see if it would cut through the firewall of this truck so I could run wires through. I put it on the firewall, pulled the trigger of the drill and couldn't see any cutting happening after about 4 seconds. Turned and looked at the hole saw bit and it had no teeth anymore lol

I don't know if I already told this story but me and a buddy were in my garage talking about how you should never buy cheap tools. I told him some where ok since they didn't need to be expensive. I pointed to the wall and told him I got that Awl over there from Harbor Freight and there was no need for it to be expensive since it was just an Awl. He agreed and then a couple weeks or so later I was trying to punch a hole in this can of body sealer I have. After getting a hole in it, I tried pulling the awl out and the handle came right off and wouldn't go back on again lol