Newbie going to pick up a duster tomorrow..well today (its 12:30am lol)

Been working on cars for a while with my 20 years old now and this will be my first car older than 1987 that ive ever worked on...i hope i dont have problems tuning the carb lol, i know EFI like the back of my hand so i guess im working backwards here haha. Shoot it took me a while to even pop the hood :sign3:. BUT when it comes down to it i know im gonna have fun with it and learn more and more.

now for the car. its a 73 duster with a blown 225 /6. has a hole bout the size of a base ball there the #6 rod was shot out the side of the motor :oops:
so im looking for a /6 to drop in there at the moment. ( got a 5.2 magnum if anyone wants to trade!) i have to get it running ASAP cuz ill be paying storage fees on it until it can move under its own power lol. The interior needs allot of help and whoever had it before painted it with 30 different types of lime green, yellow green , green green etc. so ill be painting it after a while.

On a good not im getting it for $500 and from what i hear the intake and exhaust manifold are worth that alone? (the intake will be for sale soon)

Now for the good, before it blew up it was fitted with brand new bf goodrich tires, a new brake job, and as previously stated it has the aftermarket intake and exhaust. It also has less than 100,000 miles on it and the undercarriage looks like it. Nothing more than surface rust and no thick layers of oil and grime. pretty awesome. anyways nough reading, heres some pics!