Porksoda's 1966 Dodge Dart GT

Also while in the yard I found a 4-door Dart(maybe 70-71?).
It was a slant6 car. When I first saw it I said to myself that there is going to be nothing for me on the car because it was painted with house paint and a brush lol.
I pop the hood and I see some wires hanging from the distributor.
So I pull the distributor and find a PerTronix Ignitor kit inside the distributor.
I ask the guy at the yard and he said I can have the kit!
So I took some pictures on how it was installed on the distributor and pulled everything out. I made sure to look up on my phone to see what all I needed for the kit.
It was kinda weird because the guy said dont take the distributor but you can have the stuff inside it. lol.
Well that my update so far.