A Stroke has a new indicator

Mopar muscle guy,
THANK YOU for raising stroke awareness! All of us are much better prepared to deal with stroke appropriately each time we hear about it and its signs and symptoms. After reading some of the other posts, I would like to clarify one thing. multiple aspirin are not recommended before the ambulance arrives. It is better to wait for a health care professional to administer aspirin- most of its benefits can still be had if taken up to 24 hours after stroke. Please don't confuse stroke and heart attack- they are not the same. Heart attack symptoms do warrant an aspirin right away. The most important thing for you to do if you or a loved one has stroke symptoms is get help fast! healthcare professionals have only about a 3 hour window from the time that symptoms start to administer stroke medication. TIME IS BRAIN!
Check out this link for more info any time http://www.strokeassociation.org/STROKEORG/WarningSigns/Warning-Signs_UCM_308528_SubHomePage.jsp
I'm an ER RN.
Speak up other healthcare professionals, I know you're out there. Raise awareness for all other 20,000 members on this site!