Possible 1974 Dodge Charger

I'm looking at a 1974 Dodge Charger for sale currently and want some opinions on it. I don't have any pictures but can describe it and give you the fender tag. Supposedly has a rebuilt 400ci engine in it (didn't start up when he tried). The paint is bad rust in the interior quarter panels. Dash is bad, mismatch interior, suspension is bad, a lot of trim is gone. was a SE so it had the awful vinyl top which is now filled with cracking bondo and rust underneath. He wants 5k for it, which in my opinion is a lot for such a beat up car. He had someone else rebuild the engine so I'm assuming that's why he's asking that much, but it was rebuilt a few years ago.

Here are the numbers on the fender tag:

R11 V5X V7L 28 END
052 L31 M21 M25 M26 M31
V1L L1 B41 054 H51 J25
KG8 M4L3 000 B09 128883
E64 934 WP23 N46 146242

If anyone knows anything about these numbers or a place I can look them up then that'd be great.