In need of some prayers

Well, well, well. Satan rears his ugly head. Imagine that. We;ve always heard he was the father of lies and there is no truth in him. Case proven. He comes in different forms that some dont realize the direction the lies are coming from. It may be thought to be a well meaning friend. BEWARE. How about "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence". Satan will ALWAYS paint a more than beautiful picture but he will NEVER show us the end result of our actions, NEVER. If he did people would be less likly to go his way. You and the wife should consider this as i would certainly hope you both think of youreslves as intelligent beings. That being said you both should consider yourselves as a good judge of character. That's why you chose each other to spend a lifetime with. She/he is the only relative you were allowed to pick and you both did a good job. Now get the rose colored glasses off and get down to livin and life. Give the glasses back to the liar that gave em to ya. A relationship MUST be worked at and no matter what anyone else will say, it is worth the effort. Everyone comes home at night and no one sleeps on the couch. No agueing in the bedroom. That is a neutral zone. In my 30 plus years of marriage i'd be lieing to you two if i told you we never dissagreed with one another. Dont fall for the lies. Marriage is not a situation like small kids where you pick up your toys and go home when you get your feelings hurt. Marriage is "Till death do us part". No one is boss, however the man according to the word of God is the head of the house but in no way should he rule his house without the aid of the most important factor, LOVE, and lots of it. Any and all decisions should be discussed between both parties and perhaps input from others that love the both of you. In my years of marraige i have found there to be only one bad aspect of a marriage and that is this. I will continue to live with this lady i now live with till she or myself dies and look forward to everyday that i have to live with her. She's my mate and a hell of a good one. Only one problem with this. I love her. I'm use to haveing her around to talk to. To snuggle up in bed with EVERY nite, especially on the cold ones. We watch the games on TV together while laying in bed. The car pulls up the drive every evening after work about 5:15 PM and into the garage. My socks are folded neatly and in the top drawer and are more than clean. My tooth paste is in the drawer where she puts it. These things i've grown use to. She has spoiled me and i've tried to do the same to her because we are worth having each other. The bad thing about this marraige is this. Things we grow use to and fond of someday wont be there anymore. The car wont pull in the garage. The tooth paste wont be where it is suppose to be simply because God will take her home or me from her, but the joys that you and her will have will carry you through till the eventual end. I do know that with this economy there are many relationships that will not survive simply because Satan painted them a lie and told them it was all going to be a bed of roses. Just a thought for you to consider. The unity of a family is a force to be reconed with and the Government knows this and the distruction of marraiges is to their benefit. You need to LOVE each other today as if you would not have a chance to do so tomorrow. You and her both have a heart so use it in your day to day relationship. USE IT. I'll PM you my number if ever you or her would love to chat. I can hook her up with my wonderfull wife should she need good advice. With tears i will pray on your behalf and i hope i've said something that you can realize as real in the betterment of both of your lives. God is in control. Just let him do it.
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