Erson Cam Decipher

well i got a .316 lobe lift so .442 lift or so...

and yes its a slant cam...
that is correct, and you can get the duration with a degree wheel and a dial indicator. chuck it and mount the wheel. Mount dial indicator on lobe and get it to like .050 on the intake ramp, (on the way up). note wheel degree. Rotate past lobe and measure when it gets .050 from base cirlce on the back side. Look at degrees again, The difference is the duration of the intake. Do the same for exhaust lobe and then you can determine overlap by seeing how many degrees are common with the intake and exhaust lobes. Centerline can be established by measuring from the center of the #1 intake to the TDC of the piston. Like maybe 106 degrees. Almost all Slant cams are Mechanical.