RAM 545 RFE Trans into '69 Dart

Folks, this is how our "FrankenFloor" turned out after hours of hammering on the old trans hump sheetmetal, a lot of welding, and splicing pieces into place. I have some progressive pictures to show how I installed a 3/8" x 3" heavy flatbar to replace the old cross member that was cut out. This is a must do, because the new trans mount bolts right to the ends of the old cross member.
After welding I ground all the welds, applied urethane caulking to the joints, a little bondo here and there to clean things up and finally primer. I think you will agree it turned out pretty clean all in all. The new bucket seats have plenty of room, but don't know what we are going to do about ordering a stock carpet....I was hoping to talk to the carpet people and ask for a foot or so run-off on each side to help cover the "Franken Hump". Any ideas there?