My New Shop!! Yiippeee!

Installed the PTAC unit sleeve today via instructions. Sealed it outside and inside with insulation and caulk. I'm going to have to make a drip cap for the sleeve on the outside because the lintel was placed a little high. I will do that with aluminum once I finally be able to borrow the aluminum break when I bend aluminum for the fascia. On the inside I plan on wrapping the unit in casing. When I was working for a construction company I wrapped two of these units with casing and it looked pretty nice. The sleeve has a 1/4" fall so water will run out even though this unit is not suppose to produce condensation. It has a built in ICR "factory-installed internal condensate removal (ICR) - Minimizes need for drain systems" The instructions says to still have a 1/4" fall even with the ICR. I guess it might still produce some condensation or it is just a precaution. Plugged in the unit to a) check my wiring lol and b) to see if the unit works properly. I could not believe how quiet the unit was while operating. It will probably be quieter once it is installed in the sleeve. Even in the air condition mode with the compressor working it was quiet. GE claims they are the quietest in the industry so far I'm impressed.