Needing a 43 tooth Speedo Gear

I went through this a few months back (28" tall rear tires, 4.56 rear gearing called for a "blue" 43 tooth speedo gear for my 904 trans.)

like you I searched ebay,scoured fabo and all I could find was one a few teeth different than I needed....all others could be got for a dime a dozen but the one I needed was upwards of $80.00 with shipping from most places like yearone and so on. so I figured id contact my local dodge dealer (BAD IDEA) they wanted about $125.00 for one (its just a metal bar with a chunk of plastic on it!).

anyhow....I finally ended up coming across a great deal!

at and ended up getting it for $15.00 .

and I was about to pass the deal along to you but it looks like they (along with everyone else) jacked the prices on them up AGAIN....and by a huge margin!!! ( at the end of march I paid $15.00 for the gear and they are NOW literally selling them for $106.00!!!!!)

you might be able to give them a call (they have pretty decent customer service) and tell them you know a guy that not that long ago bought the exact same part and at a MUCH lower price and see if they will work with you on it any.

here is a link to the original thread I posted back when I bought the gear if it is of any use to you.

hopefully you find a good deal on one and without much trouble can be a headache though knowing these places are ripping people off (probably only costs them $0.05 per part to make.