Anyone Frustrated with the Economy?

I just got out of service and I can't find a job that pays anything......

Wow, why did you choose now to get out? Downsizing, couldnt hit your Fitrep (kidding) My friend got right into the National Guard, kept his retirement clock going, then got into the post office after taking the test numnerous times. You can go full time NG as a recruiter or office pogue, He basically manned the armory 40 hours a week and went to Europe for Oktoberfest every year for his 2 week drill, now thats a hooked up CO! Someone here had a booming oil co down in TX that couldnt find enough men, wish I remembered his name as I got a buddy struggling right now. Another guy went to community college to learn HVAC and is now in Iraq sweating his *** off so others may have A/C at about 100K a year tax free. 2 1 year contracts with an option for a 3rd if needed. Thats 300 large banked, not bad if he makes if he makes it back. Godspeed, Jason!