Anyone Frustrated with the Economy?


And to top it off Winter is just about here and I have no Wood stockpiled,

Yeah, get this. My duma$$ neighbor just cut down over 17 trees in his yard. Not because there was anything wrong with them, he bitched at the cost of getting the leaves taken care of by the lawn service last year. I'm not talking small trees eitheer, I'm talking 150 y/o + oaks and had them hauled away. Some neighbors are asking why he moved here in the first place if he didn't like trees. We live across from a forest preserve with fully wooded lots and lots of animals passing through.

Now the economy:

Yeah it's very slow. The jobs were sent out of our country to other countries. These politicians can't figure out why unemployment is soo high. Did they forget that they gave all of the companies tax breaks to move their factories out of this country. And there are no jobs to go back to...Duh....

They don't care. They are getting their $250 k + a year jobs with health benifits and pension plans we would kill for. Not to mention the thousands/millions lining their pockets from the lobbyists buying them off... They are not hurting, they can't understand why the rest of the country is...