Weight on or off for torsion bar adjustment

I never thought about adjusting it with the frame jacked up. I imagine that is to help avoid stripping the bolt threads. It is usually trial and error, so I go back and forth a few times. I guess it isn't much harder to pump a jack each time since you must crawl out anyway to bounce the end up and down each time to settle. We have it much easier than coil spring guys.

Make sure you check toe-in after adjusting the height. I failed to do that on my 69 Dart years ago and burned up a new pair of tires in 100 miles. Toe-in is greatly affected by ride height (so changes as suspension sags). If you have tires with straight channels, it is fairly easy to do with a tape measure, comparing front then back of the tires. You want ~1/8" toe-in on RWD. That is because as you drive, the front wheels swing back slightly, so it really depends on the play in your suspension, maybe need less if you have all poly bushings. You definitely want no toe-out, since that makes the car wander. If you were to adjust to zero toe-in, you would have slight toe-out while driving.