1970 Dart Swinger FINALLY UNDERWAY

Hey Mike!

I was actually looking to see if you had a build thread for your car a few days ago lol. I know you're telling me, I'm excited to see what surprises show up under the paint. Should be done this week if everything goes according to plan (haha, plans) I'll definitely have some pics up.

Well the thing is,aluminum heats up faster than steel so the piston "could" swell and cause the wrist pin to shift out one side.But if it did that it would still be shifted so I'm beginning to think that motor was rebuilt and those pistons were put in and the clip wasn't removed and got into the scored piston(this is just a guess).it's been awhile since I rebuilt an engine so I may be a little fuzzy on the factory pistons but I thought the factory ones had wrist pin clips.BTW that 360-3 from what i've read on here is thats the 3rd casting for that 360 block.Nothing "special" about it.

I'd actually be tossing the idea around that the aluminum piston might have been misshapen by heat at some point, it would explain why it's rubbing like that. It's a low mileage engine but it did come out of a military vehicle, and I have first hand experience the way we run our trucks is not always kind on the engines especially in the heat department. It could have been idling for hours on a 100 degree day then wound up to 7k because the guy sitting in it got bored haha.

I could have sworn I read something about the dash 2s being truck engines and dash 3s being the block that was used for the truck and police/E58 360s (what mine is), something about a slightly thicker casting and different spark plugs.