Powder Coating Special ... and Other Stuff I Need to Tell Ya

I won't pull anybody's lariat and tell you it's been a fantastic year because it hasn't -- the April 20 tornado did a serious number on my shop and basically put PSC out of business for about five months.

Despite some serious overtime since I got back to the real work (instead of construction crap), I'm still catching up with the 25+ jobs that were here when the storm hit and those that arrived in the meantime; overall they're going pretty well though and the list is getting shorter.

Those who've been here on FABO for awhile may remember my Monthly Specials in the past where I'd put something on sale that could be powder coated ... valve covers, intake manifolds, any part over 30 inches, Design Your Own Dress Up Kit, etc. I know it's been awhile since I offered a special and it's long overdue in more ways than one. Here's my thinking.

All but one of those FABO customers who had parts here when the storm hit has been beyond patient and totally understanding of my disaster situation. I know some are working with me for the very first time and this is one hell of a nasty first impression of a custom shop. I'd be surprised if you come back after all this! I can't tell you how much all that patience and understanding means to me ... because if the roles were reversed and somebody had MY parts for that long without progress I'd be less than thrilled about it and pretty likely to tell them so. But except for that one guy it hasn't been that way; I've been pretty much left alone to fix my shop, get back on my feet again and return to the task at hand. You've all been great and I couldn't ask for a better bunch of current customers.

As a little Thank You for not giving up on me or sending out the angry villagers with their flaming torches, I'm going to offer a 25% labor discount to every FABO member on everything across the board that arrives at my shop between now and December 31, 2011. That's 5% more than even the Gold Members receive!

Please keep in mind the turn around time isn't totally back up to par yet (so please talk to me first if you have a rush) but the backlog should be fully cleared within the next few weeks.

To those newbies who may be unfamiliar with my shop:

If you can dream it up, I'm the girl that can make it happen. Two- and three-color jobs are customary and don't intimidate me one bit. :-D

Here's a little Introduction video -- it's maybe 4 minutes long. At least 85% of the parts in the video belong to FABO members!

http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/...S/Web Files/?action=view&current=a471b785.pbw

And I really need to add some more new stuff to it -- it's been awhile since I worked on it or my website.

The PSC Fan Page on FaceBook just hit 500+ members a few days ago so check it out too if you're a FB user.

Anyway, don't hesitate to give me a call or post in this thread if you've got questions, need a quote or want to go over specific details. (My equipment's loud so please leave a message if you get the machine.)

Sincerely, thanks again guys ... for everything!