What kind of food do you feed your dog?

We fed ours the high rated dog food. They liked it but liked cat food much better so it was a pain to keep them out of it. We finally gace up and they ate cat food. I guess it worked becasue our last Yorkie lived to be over 18 years old and still got around like a young pup. The youngest yorkie that died was 16. She went blind at about 17 1/2 years old but knew her way around so we let her live out her days. She had her steps to get on the bed and still used them blind. One morning we woke up to find her on the floor where she had passed away during her sleep. She was never sick to where she needed to be treated by a vet during her life. We tried the high quality dog food on the new Yorkie and she went for the cat food also so here we go again. The oldest Yorkie now is 8 years old. We went with Royal Canin Puppy 33 when we got our newest Yorkie and it also went for the cats food so we have given in.

Side note we put the cats food and water in the bath tub so our dogs cant get to it.