Pitman arm is hitting tortion bar! Help?

Feel free to educate us. Maybe you know something we don't. With your vast knowledge, you can maybe help someone when they have a problem instead of criticizing others. Why did you even bother to post on this thread unless you are going to educate us? I can only think of one other reason and you put the words in caps in your post.

Do you think that maybe the broken K-frame had anything to do with the problem? Maybe you should read the whole thread.

Do you or anyone else REALLY want someone with only 500 posts and no thank yous to do something like that ?

edit ... read a few more pages , I see that some of the glaring info was corrected , Steve came thru on this for the OP big time.

There seems to be a little confusion on how a torsion bar works and what happens when the adjustment bolt is tightened though.

I'm not sure how much the broken K frame actually moved the LCA (judging by the picture he added , it maybe moved .200 ???) and if it was moved up,down, left or right when the T bar was tightened, but there were so many things that this guy was told to do and change that had nothing to do with why it was happening.

The pass thru headers , that is the way they are, been like that forever and they are made to fit both styles of K frames , a worn engine mount can cause an issue with the steering hitting them and as he found out a few whacks with the hammer gave him the needed clearance .