Shipping frustrations...

So I bought this 1969 Barracuda Convertible (pics to follow in another thread). Car is in awesome shape with a TON of documention. I inspected the car on the 25 and 26th of Oct in Basalt, CO. Flew in drove from Denver and spent two days packing up and shipping extra parts and packing stuff in the car (shippers allow for up to 150 lbs).

So I had a shipper lined up, and the asses set up the pickup on the 25th (the day of my arrival). I waved off on that as I would not have had any time to inspect (or for that matter purchase) the car. The carrier WOULD NOT slide it to the right by 12 hours so that I would have time to work through the night and pick it up the following morning.

I have been pestering a the shipper to find another carrier since then, and have gotten nothing but stories. "I have a guy, but he fell through.", "Not sure if it is the weather.", "I am working hard, I want this shipped as badly as you do." (doubtful). In addition, this outfit says they will call you back and they NEVER do. I have to continually pull info from them, and oh, did I mention they already have a $100 deposit?

The point of my rant is I was wondering if there are members on here that have shipped a car and had a GOOD experience with a company. I am sick of :banghead: with this company and want to pursue other options. I shipped my other Cuda with Capitol Auto Transport and had good luck with them. I am sure there are a number of factors at play here (how often the route is traveled, proximity to major highway, weather, etc).

or if there are any members in the CO area with a diesel truck, trailer that holds a car, and a burning desire to come to California...