Low on Funds... :(

Hey gang.
Sorta a rant here... sorta a plug... sorta needing some cash.

Ok Ok... who doesnt need cash right now ? Economy sucks.. I dont live paycheck to paycheck typically, but its pretty dang close. As many of you know I am a single dad with two young daughters. This equals lots of my paycheck going out the door. I live pretty frugal. I dont have cable TV, or much for toys except for my Duster. I been doing pretty good with keeping my head afloat and not worrying too much, but it seems lately I have been slipping backwards as all the prices in the world are going up... but my paycheck isnt. To top it off I got nailed with a few unordinary bills the last two months. Parts sales have all but stopped. Which I rely on pretty heavily for some extra cushion cash.

I am blessed to have had the same job for over 10 years and still working. Which is a trick in the automotive world.
I am not looking for any charity as I know this site does. That is NOT the reason for my post. There are many of you that are worse off then I am so dont get me wrong. I just love it how when your watching your pennies and then BOOM here have some big bills to eat your funds.... ! Nice.
So I have reduced my prices on my parts. I have a lot of dog dish caps for sale in the Tires and Wheels sections. If you looking for something please check them out. I modified the prices and I think you will finds some good deals. I am just trying to be pro-active and move some items so I might get some Christmas cash for my kids without putting me completely upside down.

If other moderators or anyone has a prob with this post please let me know and I will remove it...
