Low on Funds... :(

Sorry to hear about your tuff times. Things are slow all over and there just isn't much expendable cash floating around. Have you considered putting some of the signs you are making on eBay? There are far more Barracuda owners out there besides the members on this site that would love to have one of those babbies. I am sure that is also the same with your other signs. Don't you think those would make fantastic Christmas presents that could be bought for car owners by other family members? I don't know of any Mopar car owner that wouldn't love to get one as a present. I know if I hadn't bought one for my Barracuda my wife would be pleased to find and buy me one for me for Christmas. There are also other non-mopar lines you could expand in to as one market slows down. If I had the equipment and the know how I would be pumping them out as fast as I could sell them.