Old Cobbled Up Work is Trying My Patience

I have trained my grasshoppers well!!!

Actually, the guy who owned the silver one came to my all Mopar yard sale a couple years ago and offered it and a 66 sedan parts car to me. Then the guy who had the red one saw me posting about it and offered to sell me that instead because it was more of what I was looking for!!

As for Nella's car, I knew where that had been sitting for a while and just caught the (original) owner one day at home and asked about it. I told him about what I wanted to do with it and I am true to my word. We still stop there every now and again and show them our progress. Just gotta keep your eyes peeled and not be shy to ask!!

And FYI, I offered the silver car here after I did a lot of work to it for anybody interested, $1500.00, and nobody bought it. That right there was a steal!! Geof