Low on Funds... :(

Wow! Talk about flashback.

RPM, 20 years ago, my wife died from an illness at the age of 34. I was 35 at the time and our two daughters were 8 and 4 years old.
Living off of one income meant that I had to really tighten my financial belt. I moved into an apartment, rented out my house, sold all of my tools, and stopped buying on credit. Sometimes there were only 3 presents under the Christmas tree and other times there were more. I cooked and prepared all of our meals.

As they moved into their adult lives they have been thanking me for all of the love and sacrifices that I had made while raising them without a mother or wife. The gratitude and love they express for me tells me that I did okay under the circumstances that we were in.

Six years ago, I decided to get back into my old Mopar hobby and I bought a 1969 Dodge Polara 500 convertible. My daughters began to buy me tools for Christmas. One year, they combined their money with one of my sisters and bought me a Craftsmen Workbench and cabinets for my garage. They have taken active interests in my cars and ask to drive them on a regular basis.

The oldest one has been married for one year now to a young man that I totally approve of. Their wedding day was a very happy one. The youngest is finishing college.

Keep on doing what is necessary to be the loving, teaching, and protective Father to your girls and they will eventually express their love and gratitude from an adult perspective that will warm your heart each time they do.

God Bless You and Your Daughters