door glass adjustment frustration!! 69 dart convertible!! any experts!

Ok here's the deal-- I'm trying to adjust the glass in my 69 dart convert-- I've read the threads & the fsm. (more than once!!)
I've finally got the driver's side close -- so I'm leaving
it for now.
The door glass does not touch the convert top roof rail weather strip all the way-- it is close.

Do any of you convert owners have side view pictures of the top rail to glass area?
I'm trying to compare what I have vs-- what you FABO members are using on your car currently.

note 2>: anyone purchased the reproduction -- roof rail weather strips for a convert?-- mine are not too bad-- but my front header piece is pretty sad.. Wanting to know before forking out coin for those items.
Thanks this is going to take some time on the re install.