any update on Bruce

This morning I went to the hospice to keep Bruce company. I told him I was there representing all of his FABO friends. He can't talk but I knew he was aware as Melanie and I carried on a conversation about Mopars and FABO members. His sister Brenda joined us...these are two remarkable ladies, and two nieces and a little great-nephew came by too. Bruce's Damatian Galahad climbed up into his master's bed. Early in the day, Bruce seemed to be in some discomfort but after getting pain medicine, he became very peaceful. Melanie crafts beautiful Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, he was hugging them, and was kept warm by a beautiful afghan she also made for him. Bruce is refusing all offers of food and drink now, so he won't be with us much longer. I believe from what I felt in that room today that our prayers are working. In spite of the sad circumstances, it was a pleasant day in the company of a gentle man who has touched many lives, and a day I will always remember. Please continue to send your prayers for Bruce and his family.

Thank you for going to see him and spend time with him. May God bless his family .:angel9::angel9: