Shipping frustrations...

Can I say something without pi**ing you off?? I dont believe that car is a true formula least by the fender tag anyway. I didnt see A53 the code for formula s on either the orange or red one

Well, I do not think that I ever said that the convertible is a true Formula 'S' car, so I am not pi**ed at all. It IS as numbers matching 340-S to echo another poster (1 of 125). I think that the previous owner just liked the look of the Formula 'S' panel better than the regular one. He took pics of other real cars and was precise in his measurement for placement of the emblem (if memory serves, it was something like "13 mm from the right hand edge and 11 mm up from the bottom". I would have to dig into the binders of info that came with car to be can tell the trunk finish panel was painted. Either way the car is in awesome shape. I seriously thought about jumping in the car and driving it home, but would have had to have someone drive my rental back to Denver in BAAAD weather that I hit on the 26th...I will post more about that in another thread with more pics when the car arrives.

On the "orange" one (It seems more red than orange to me),

you also will not find code A53; that is because in place of that there is code A56. I am sure that you recognize that it is a true 1969 'cuda'....(1 of sixty-eight) 340/4 speeds.

Not testy about either one of the car's pedigrees, they both have good and bad things to address, and I wish I could talk my wife into keeping BOTH!

I am in San Diego. Having done that drive before, I can tell you that there are some pretty REMOTE stretches of road that I would not want to be stuck on...I have done that song and dance before. I know that there are surely two camps on this board, one that says that a long road trip is the best way to get to know your new purchase, but then there are others would take a more methodical approach and just be patient and have the car shipped. Getting to Basalt from the airport is the challenge...and the next leg is making it about 950 miles to my front door.