Anyone Frustrated with the Economy?

The economy will not get better until we take back our goverment from the greedy bastards running it.......

Don't even want to get into my story of how bad it is to try an make ends meet. I am in the process of taking a second job,that took me over a year to land, and since the job I work at cut my hours....and the wife is still unemployed for going on a year...

it feels like it will never end...

Goverment for the people by the people..........

Ding ding ding! - this guy gets it. You guys ought to look up what the Federal Reserve is and how they have killed the value of our moolah. We went off the gold standard in 1971 and look how things have turned out since. No muscle cars either. Globalist pigs gave the chicoms "Most favored nation" status and exported the jobs there. High food prices started the Arab revolutions this year. Blame the pigs and their speculating as well as jokenol for that. Federal guv at work jacking up our food costs by subsidizing the damn stuff and forcing us to buy it.

Ron Paul....