'71 Demon Pro Street/Touring

There is a trick I know and I've seen it done.

You can clear acrylic laquer with base/clear systems clear coat.

The reason for doing this is because the base clear system enjoys the highest u.v protection due to something called crosslinking. Basically the base/clear system has the best uv protection as it' has the strongest crosslinking.

You wont see many guys do this,as the clear will lay down initially with tons of orange peel. As time passes the orange peel effect will fade off and the clear will become more glass like. There will be some wet sanding involved to get a show finish.So basically you can cheap out on the color coat as long as you use really good clear over top. This will help in reducing the cost of your paint job,while still giving excellent longevity.

I learned this from an old school painter who knew tons of tricks like this.

Another good trick to speed up curing on a cold day is to preheat the paint on a hot plate before spraying. I've used this trick to cure paint in the dead of winter,no bake booth. It even works on aeresol cans,but it's better to put them in some hot water for 1/2 hour or so. Dont get em too hot or they'll blow up. Dont go hotter than 50 celcius..