Her 72 scamp.

:angry7: I haven't really done anything to it for about 2 months now. I did put on the passenger door seal when I went out to the garage to smoke last week but other than that I have done jack **** to it. I just got burnned out (it happens about every 6-8 months) I look at it and can see it on the road but I just dont care. For a while my 73 was taking up all my time but I yanked the 360 and there is a guy comming over tomorrow that is all excited about buying it. I have been spending most weekends in my dads shop that is an hour away working on my 53 mercury pick up (it's getting the 360 from the 73). I used to work in a rod shop and I sold a 74 dart that was cherry just because the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was look/ work on another Fing car.
Nikki keeps bugging me about wanting it on the road by the end of summer so I need someone to get on my *** and get me remotivated!!! Cars are dumb but god damnit if I don't love the hell out of them. ](*,)

Here is a link to the pics. I moved them to a new folder in photobucket so it broke all the links I had on here.

http://s88.photobucket.com/albums/k199/360scamp/Nikkis 72 scamp/?start=all