My Dog Drank My Choc Milk!

Boogy will fallow me to every room in the house if she seen me with a cup of milk :snorting::snorting: and sit and stair at me while I drink it :colors::colors::colors::colors: and wine like a baby :mrgreen:
she loves milk, she's an old girl and I let her have a tea spoon full at times, yep:D right out of my cup
I bet Maxi enjoyed it :colors: we can't turn our heads on these children when it comes to milk
So happy to hear she is fine this morning :cheers:

No kidding Mike? None of my previous pooches showed an affinity for milk, but miss milk muzzle sure seemed to have liked it. I knew better than to leave the tacos out, but the milk thing threw me. Thank goodness she's OK, I was really worried about the chocolate.

Glad you dog is ok!

A few years ago my friend had just gotten a puppy (1st dog), he left a pan of choclate brownies out on the kitchen counter, pup jumped up and ate most of it! My friend had no idea it was bad for him, put him in his kennel and went to work for the day, sadly when he got home the dog was dead :angry7:

Oh man, that is so sad. Hopefully someone might read this and it may prevent a puppy/dog death.

My cats are always trying to attack my chocolate milk.

Hey Joe, no worries though. If Maxi gets it all, I've got your back. ;-)

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Thanks Leanna, you rock! :cheers: There's nothing better than a big glass of milk with tacos or spaggetti.