My Dog Drank My Choc Milk!

Not to worries as some chocolate is worse than others but none of its really good for them.And i have been down that road more than once as i do dog rescue and have 9 dogs of my own.about 5 years a go my best friend Kramer and his little brother CJ ate a whole bag of Reese peanut butter cup wrapper and plastic bag just pieces left.they never even got sick or the ***** from it.

The picture is of Kramer taken the day he passed away just short of 15 years old.He was truly a dog that was special in so many ways.I'm tearing up just typing this.:angel9:

What kind of dog was Kramer? A good people dog? good for just one master? tolerant of strangers? any protective traits?

I want to get a dog that will protect my wife while deployed but won't try to attack every stranger- i want a happy, obedient big dog that loves the family and is tolerant of friends coming over. The wife got bit in the face as a child and is leery of me getting a dog; i put up with her cat for so long that she will let me get one once, so i can't screw it up.

i had a german shepard (as a kid)that looked out for the family but she wanted to attack strangers all the time-with some horrible success. i am thinking a female puppy with a kitten as a pal (maybe on the kitten theory)

i have a fairly large back yard.