68 dart wanted

A member here has exactly the car I am looking for. He is in Allen, Texas and I do not have a phone number to call him. If the car is sold I will kick myself, but I will keep on looking. I just hope to hear from him with good news on this Veterans Day. If it is gone I will ask all of you good folks to help me find another one. I have sent him a PM but do not know how often he checks his mail. God Bless America

Thanks to the members who provided tips. I got in touch with the member who had the 68 Dart. He called, and I bought. I will fly out to Dallas from Orlando this wednesday to pick it up. This will not be one that is doomed to be modified as a hot rod or racecar, but to enjoy the style and ease of maintainence of this eras' cars. Thanks to ForAbodiesOnly