eBay bidders driving up prices again....

Between eBay, Barrett Jackson, and the other televised auctions, the collector car hobby is quickly becoming a rich man's hobby, and I, for one, think that sucks.

Cars, parts, engines, no matter what condition, are considered to be made of gold by sellers. Cars that I would pay $250.00 for, people are asking $2500.00 for.

Brand doesn't seem to matter, either.

Personally, I'm getting pretty sick of the gouging that has become S.O.P. it what was once a friendly hobby.

YUP! I've been bitching for quite a while and I either get "too bad you cant afford it or "go buy a chevy". The rich folks who pay these stupid prices are ruining the hobby for all,imho. Then again maybe they just want an exclusive club,where if you cant afford it thats fine it's the way they want it?

I cant see anyone on a restricted budget EVER OVERPAYING no matter how bad they need the part. A tight budget demands you wait and buy the most reasonably priced part you can find. Isure dont have extra money,so I always have to look for a long time. Then I get outbid on ebay 99% of the time because Im only willing to pay a reasonable price.

I much prefer buying and selling here,as at least most folks are reasonable.Craigslist has been very good to me as well.

Id love to see a boycott of all the overpriced crap sold in the catalogues...