Project- Bills Buggy

I wanted to give credit where credit is due.. My buddy Bruce (refer back to page one for the project bills buggy team members lol) is the real magic man to making that fender look as good as it does.. His nephew Davie got the ground work done.. trying to get the fender to resemble what it was supposed to, and Bruce did the rest.. Between Bruce, Davie, and Bob, they have been teaching me the skills and techniques of body work.. a skill that I never believed I could do.. I have to admit I pretty much hate it.. but at the end of the day I know I will that much more pride in the buggy knowing the education I have gotten because of her, and the skills that I have learned and developed over the years since this project started.. I thank my friends very much for all they have done for me.. and I thank my FABO family for all the support, kind words, and those who have helped me with parts.. I am forever grateful...