eBay bidders driving up prices again....

Between eBay, Barrett Jackson, and the other televised auctions, the collector car hobby is quickly becoming a rich man's hobby, and I, for one, think that sucks.

Cars, parts, engines, no matter what condition, are considered to be made of gold by sellers. Cars that I would pay $250.00 for, people are asking $2500.00 for.

Brand doesn't seem to matter, either.

Personally, I'm getting pretty sick of the gouging that has become S.O.P. it what was once a friendly hobby.

the ebay/barrett problem is rich people but not necessarily enthusiasts - i find they buy because it's the latest fad to own a 60's musclecar which has inflated the market like the apollo rocket - 50,000, 70,000, 120,000 whats the diff if your rich and want it - then the prices start setting standards because media reports the high recorded prices and on and on and on......

these wannabe's don't even drive em cause they don't ride like the Benz

I myself enjot the hunt and scrounge of locating parts - mainly because i'm cheap err thrifty , but it is gettin harder.... my 2c