WTB Unabomber Memorabilia

Well it depends on how you look at it. To me he was a genius, he went how many years without even leaving a clue as to who he was. There wasn't a single Gov. agency that had any kind of lead till he sent in his manifesto. And then it was his brother that recognized his writings, not the Federalies. Genius can be used for evil as well as good and this was a prime example.

I almost wrote this last night. I do find it disturbing that you seem so interested in this guy.

He was NUTS. He was a MURDERER. He was a CRIMINAL.

He HURT and KILLED people (He's credited with killing 3 and injuring more than 20)

He may have been a genius in some meaning of the word, but to me he is no different than people like the terrorists of late.

People like him do not deserve a second glance, other than to develop ways of catching others just like 'em.