WTB Unabomber Memorabilia

Being in the military and askin online for unabomber stuff......naw you ain't on any radars. lol

Being who I am and what I do for a living puts me a every watch list out there.

ya this is a bit strange

Not really it is American history and I am facsinated by it.

I almost wrote this last night. I do find it disturbing that you seem so interested in this guy.

He was NUTS. He was a MURDERER. He was a CRIMINAL.

He HURT and KILLED people (He's credited with killing 3 and injuring more than 20)

He may have been a genius in some meaning of the word, but to me he is no different than people like the terrorists of late.

People like him do not deserve a second glance, other than to develop ways of catching others just like 'em.

I am like him, in more ways then you know. I have the skills and training to do and build everything he has built. I have made explosives and built IED's. That's what I do. I am in the Army but I work for a few other agencies as well. This stuff is only for me to learn more.

studying and learning from a genius, even an evil criminal genius, is not a bad thing
it is only bad when someone crosses the line and starts to follow or worship the evil criminal mind

That's right. I have no intentions of crossing a line. If we were fighting a war on our soil you would definitely want me on your team. I am looking only to better myself as a Bomb Tech, what better way then to learn from the people who have actually commited the crimes. I don't condone anything he did, I don't even believe in any of the same ideals as him. He was caught and the people that had to clear his little shack of explosives were military fellas. They were Army EOD techs, just like me. That's why I am so intrigued by him, it's ths connection with my career field that draws me to this topic.